UW Steens Point Biochemistry Building Feasibility Study
Stevens Point, WI
JSD provided professional services including site analysis and planning, utility design, traffic analysis and preliminary cost estimation for the Chemistry & Biology Science Building project on the campus of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. JSD worked with UW Systems and the lead architect in contributing site planning for a comprehensive feasibility study prepared and presented to the UW Systems board.
JSD analyzed and presented pedestrian, vehicular and multi-modal circulation for an existing campus surface parking site in which a biochemistry building is planned as a future development. Proposed utility re-location was presented based on existing utility locations and connections to the proposed building.
Site planning was integrated based on traffic circulation and building operation to include limited on-site parking, loading and refuse design. Overall site use, viewing corridors, landscaping and public street buffers were all key components in the site planning process. Proposed pedestrian improvement design includes on-road pedestrian crossings at key traffic flow points as well as pedestrian mall, seating and activity quadrants reflecting internal building circulation, main entries and access points. Overall campus circulation and existing campus design was analyzed in an effort to provide safe, efficient pedestrian access to key building entry points while maintaining visual buffers and safety for all site users and adjacent uses.
American Design/State of Wisconsin DFD
Completion Date
Services Performed