Home Depot
Locations Nationwide
Home Depot is the largest home improvement retailer in the United States, supplying tools, construction products and services. From two stores in Atlanta, Home Depot has grown to more than 2,200 stores in three countries.
JSD provides Home Depot with various levels of development services ranging from simple zoning modifications to complete entitlements for individual and regional store deployments. Our national experience and knowledgeable site development professionals provide accurate assessments of a project’s feasibility, establish and maintain the project schedules, provide input and focus on the overall budgets, and manage the development process through the grand opening and often beyond. JSD’s front-end design, real estate, legal and business specialists bring resources and experience to every aspect of the development.
Home Depot
Project Size
New program rollouts to full store development
Completion Date
2 Months – 3 Years
Services Performed
Development Services