Holiday Inn Express and Hilton Home2Tru

Milwaukee, WI

As downtown Milwaukee continues to develop and attract people for business purposes and to explore the area night life, new hotels are being constructed. JSD worked with Hawkeye Hotels on two new sites planned for the downtown – Holiday Inn Express and Hilton Home2Tru.

The project included the demolition of two existing structures and proposed two large hotel chains on a city block in downtown Milwaukee. JSD assisted with the civil site design that included utility design, site grading and landscape design.

Interestingly, this site contained grading challenges as the sites lined up with Jefferson Street, sloped from north to south. The entire site is under one acre leading to a tight layout design that needed to include separate trash enclosures, grease interceptors, generator and transformer pads. This led to a very condensed area that needed to include electric, gas, sanitary and water utility services throughout the entire site.

The site was also 100% concrete and asphalt pavement, but introducing the two hotels would allow some landscape and greenspace to improve water quality from storm runoff.


JR Hospitality

Project Size

43,360 Square Feet

Completion Date


Services Performed

Civil Engineering