Memorial Park

Memorial Park in La Grange Park, IL not only experienced their exciting ribbon cutting this past Fall after unveiling their renovated multi-sport court complex, but the Community Park District won the most recent IPRA Overall Outstanding Facility or Parks Award for the project, thanks to JSD’s leadership!

Our landscape architecture team prepared conceptual plans, imagery boards, and a fundraising graphic to assist the Park District in raising funds for the new court complex. Our team also developed the construction bid documents, led the bidding process and provided contract administration and construction observation.

Memorial Park offers pickleball courts, tennis courts, a gaga ball pit, tether ball, mini races, and fitness walk. The area also includes a Fitness Court which will be used by the Park District and a local fitness provider. The Outstanding Facility or Parks Award is presented to public agencies for outstanding and unique achievements in the design and development of new or renovated parks and facilities. Excitingly, this project received a perfect score of 100/100! We are proud to have partnered with the award-winning Community Park District!