Dane County Sheriff’s Southeast Precinct

Stoughton, WI

The outdated Dane County Health and Human Services building, hidden by overgrown landscaping and utilities, has since been transformed into the new Sheriff’s Precinct through careful design considerations. The two-story building garage addition takes on a contemporary, Norwegian theme with metal siding and wood accents throughout. By carefully reworking existing grades around the foundation, JSD successfully “placed” this existing building into the landscaping while preserving as many native tree species as possible.

Improvements for the project also included the redevelopment of the parking lot, driveways, concrete sidewalks, and patio area.

Stormwater management facilities were thoughtfully designed to meet a combination of new and redevelopment standards including reduction of total suspended solids, runoff rate control, oil and grease control, and infiltration.


OPN Architects

Project Size

10,100 Square Feet

Project Cost

$2.7 Million

Completion Date


Services Performed

Civil Engineering
Landscape Architecture