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Sauk Trails Plaza II

The Sauk Trails Plaza II project is located in the Old Sauk Trails Park on the west side of Madison. The project site is approximately 7.83 acres and includes construction of a 160,000 square-foot, five-story office building with one story of underground parking. JSD provided civil engineering, land surveying, and landscape architecture services for the development of an asphalt parking lot and driveways, concrete sidewalks and outdoor patio, stormwater management facilities and landscaping.

Stormwater at the site is collected by a private storm sewer system and routed to a proposed stormwater treatment facility. The bio-retention pond, created by JSD, provides infiltration volume and total suspended solids reduction as required by the City of Madison ordinances and Wisconsin DNR regulations. Runoff rate control was achieved by a regional pond serving the Old Sauk Trails Development.